Thursday, October 24, 2013

Q&A with Mr. Alan Silva

Haunted Hogs hosted an informal Q&A with Mr. Alan Silva, founder of Arkansas Paranormal Investigators, tonight on campus. After explaining the techniques for identifying supernatural activity, teaching us how to use the proper equipment, relaying to us some of his productive (and spooky!) investigations, he showed us some of his team's most convincing photos and evidence. 

Mr. Silva has 

cordially invited the members of Haunted Hogs to participate in a formal investigation 

with his team, which has over 20 years of professional experience, to garner more first-hand involvement and fieldwork in the practice. The investigation will tentatively be held in the middle of November. 

Tune in for further details and our findings!

Mr. Alan Silva showing members how to use proper investigative equipment

From Left: Kristen Hoover (Treasurer), Kathleen Pait (President/Founder), Mr. Alan Silva (Founder of API), Laralee Gray (Marketing & Communications Coordinator)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Guest Speaker: Arkansas Paranormal Investigators

After our successful bake sale a few weeks ago, (thank you to everyone who helped bake, sell, and support our efforts*) our next move will be to hear from some professional investigators.

Haunted Hogs will host an informal Q&A with Mr. Alan Silva, the founder of Arkansas Paranormal Investigators, 

Thursday, Oct. 24 at 8pm in

Freshens bakery on the main floor of the Union.

He will explain proper investigative techniques and share some telling stories of his own investigations. Come prepared with any and all questions you may have. Check out their website for more detailed information:

Hope to see you there!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Investigation #1: Fieldwork Findings

Haunted Hogs took to campus this past Tuesday, Sept 24 to research three supposedly "haunted" sites. Using EVP (electronic voice phenomenon), a Canon Rebel T3i, tape recorders, and several different Ghost Detector apps for smartphones, we toured the area snapping pictures while searching for any unexplainable sounds, lights, and movements.

Out of eleven members, our hypotheses are as follows:

3/11 Believe in the existence of spirits and expect to encounter supernatural phenomena

5/11 Skeptical about the existence of spirits but would not be surprised if encountered supernatural phenomena

3/11 Do not believe in the existence of spirits and do not expect to find any supernatural phenomena

Out of eleven members, our personal supernatural experiences are as follows:

7/11 Have had a supernatural experience

2/11 Have not had a supernatural experience

2/11 Are not sure if they have had a supernatural experience

The first investigation took place in Evergreen Cemetery off of Dickson at approximately 7:20pm. None of the following pictures have been edited (except for cropping) or in any way conditioned to present invalid evidence.

Evergreen Cemetery Picture 1: Wide angle view

Evergreen Cemetery Picture 1: Cropped to emphasize top left edge of photo, shows what appears to be two men standing next to each other while picking something from tree 

Evergreen Cemetery Picture 2: Wide angle view

Evergreen Cemetery Picture 2: Cropped to emphasize what appears to be man with large stomach standing next to tombstone with hands in front pocket, wearing a dark jacket and white shirt

The second investigation took place on the 5th floor and in the basement of Old Main. At approximately 7:43pm, we discovered a track of bare footprints that appear to be female due to shape and size running in a seemingly random order up and down the stairwell leading to the roof of the building. 

Old Main Picture 1: Bare, female footprints found in random order on roof-top access stairwell

Page, a custodian who regularly works in Old Main, said he has never experienced any paranormal activity within the building personally, but he has heard stories about another custodian who died in the elevator. Page explained that no one has access to the roof since it is locked during all hours, although the small space at the top of the stairwell is home to several bats.

Old Main Picture 2: Haunted Hogs members listen quietly to their EVPs and ghost detectors. 

The third investigation took place in the basement and 6th floor of Kimpel Hall. At approximately 8:16pm, a ghost detector app that records changes in the magnetic field spiked well out of normal range five separate times while within the same area, roughly three feet wide.  

Kimpel Hall Picture 1: Changes in the magnetic field in the basement of Kimpel Hall cause the app to spike out of normal range

Haunted Hogs has concluded that there may be sporadic pockets of paranormal activity among these three sites, although there is not enough evidence conducive to claiming all are in fact haunted. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Paranormal Snacktivity Bale Sale

Haunted Hogs will hold a bake sale, "Paranormal Snacktivity," this coming

Wednesday, Oct. 2 from 9am-1pm 

on the grassy corner of the Greek Theatre lawn across the street from Kimpel Hall

We will have all sorts of themed goodies priced to meet college students' budgets. Please come out and enjoy some delicious treats with us!

All proceeds will help fund further investigations throughout NW Arkansas.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

First Formal Paranormal Investigation

First formal paranormal investigation will take place

Tuesday, Sep. 24 @ 7pm.

We will meet outside of the

Nano Tech building on Dickson St.

to begin investigating

Evergreen Cemetery, Kimpel Hall, and Old Main.

Please bring whatever investigating tools you fancy; camera, tape recorder, smartphone with ghost app, etc.

Looking forward to seeing you there!